Genetic Algorithms: Mimic Evolution in Your Compilers

Ever since Darwin first came up with the theory of natural selection, many scientists went on an adventurous journey to study its...

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The world saw a rise in climate protests as more and more joined the movement to raise awareness about global warming and what we can all do to adapt to a lifestyle that...

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Genetic Algorithms: Mimic Evolution in Your Compilers

Ever since Darwin first came up with the theory of natural selection, many scientists went on an adventurous journey to study its...

Python Libraries to Build Any Project of Your Choice

Artificial Intelligence is a powerful tool that has revolutionized many fields. AI has allowed for the advent of...

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The Use of Robotics in Our Daily Lives

The word “robot” conjures up images of famous Hollywood humanoid characters, but robots are mostly undramatic mechanical devices programmed to perform specific repetitive...

Robots and How They are Driving Intelligent Medicine

Artificial Intelligence has transformed the medical industry to optimize the treatment provided to patients with different medical conditions. There are many types of...

Affective Computing: How AI can become Compassionate

Imagine a day where Alexa and Siri can understand and interact with you beyond the medium of plain words but also according to...

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